
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2017

Korean Gastronomy

Korean Kimchi  In these last 5 years we have witnessed as masses of people with different nationalities, races, cultures, customs, languages have shown a great interest in this Asian country.  Korea has attracted tourism to a great extent thanks to its music, movies and novels; these have made people put their attention in korean culture. Thanks to this new wave of South  korean culture, people see  South  Korea as their ideal place to live. In that article I am going to write about that essential dish in every  South  and North Korean home, and if you are thinking of moving to  South  Korea, you must know what it is.     Historical documents tell that in Korea they ate fermented vegetables with salt 3,000 years ago, but the current Kimchi, the spicy one, was eaten some 250 years ago, since in 1592 came the chili powder from Portugal and Japan. It has a strong and special smell, its flavor is salty and spicy, ...